Classics by Kathleen Ferrier

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Take a listen to the soothing sounds of Kathleen Ferrier in her ‘Classics by Kathleen Ferrier’.
Preview ‘Kitty My Love’

View Full Tracklist

No. Track Name Artist
1 What is life? Kathleen Ferrier
2 Kitty My Love Kathleen Ferrier
3 The Keel Row Kathleen Ferrier
4 O Rest In The Lord Kathleen Ferrier
5 An Die Musik Kathleen Ferrier
6 Um Mitternacht Kathleen Ferrier
7 Have Mercy Lord On Me Kathleen Ferrier/Sir Malcolm Sargent/The National Symphony Orchestra/David McCallum
8 Ombra Mai Fu Kathleen Ferrier
9 Bridge: Go Not Happy Day Kathleen Ferrier
10 Blow The Wind Southerly Kathleen Ferrier
11 Art thou troubled? Kathleen Ferrier
12 Gretchen Am Spinnrade Kathleen Ferrier
13 Botschaft Kathleen Ferrier
14 Woe Unto Them Kathleen Ferrier
15 Ma Bonny Lad Kathleen Ferrier
16 Sapphische Ode Kathleen Ferrier/Phyllis Spurr
17 Come You Not From Newcastle Kathleen Ferrier/Frederick Stone
18 Der Musensohn Kathleen Ferrier

ABOUT Kathleen Ferrier

Kathleen ferrier is an English singer who gained international success. Her discography ranged from Folklsong and Pop ballads to Classical works from Bach and Brahms. Her first published record, made in September 1944, was issued under the Columbia label; it consisted of two songs. Her time as a Columbia recording artist was brief and unhappy; she had poor relations with her producer, Walter Legge, and after a few months she transferred to Decca. Then after much critical and commercial success, she later died in October 1953.

About “Kitty My Love”

This is a traditional song recorded by Kathleen in 1952 at the London Broadcasting House. Alongside the piano accompaniment by Frederick Stone, the recording was issued in June 1954 and all the royalties were donated to Kathleen Ferrier Cancer Research Fund.

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